Every now and then you come across a curious wording in the New Testament and wonder if you’ve missed something vital to your understanding of the Christian experience. That wasContinue readingThe Ultimate Workout
God’s Way of Blessing
Jesus had much to say and he said it particularly well in what is known as the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7). With disciples gathered around he begins withContinue readingGod’s Way of Blessing
A Believer’s Lullaby
The song “Refuge and Strength” echoes what is both the simplest and most difficult aspect of living a life directed by faith. The lyrics taken from Psalm 46:1, 56:3 mayContinue readingA Believer’s Lullaby
On Letting Your Light Out
“Your are like light for the whole world. A city built on top of a hill cannot be hidden, and no one would light a lamp and put it underContinue readingOn Letting Your Light Out
Worship is Becoming
“Worship is not a moment or a song. It’s a life of seeking to become the person God made you to be.” Those of us who have spent significant timeContinue readingWorship is Becoming